Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Opposite Hemisphere

Lucie feat. Aysia
A couple weeks ago, I wrote a post about the major changes in my life, but there was something that I forgot. I didn’t write about it in that post because it needed an entire one for itself. Way back in December, I found out that one of my closest friends, Lucie, was moving. The fact that she was moving was the worst part, it was the fact that she was moving across the world. At the time, Lucie was going either to Switzerland or Germany, now, we all know that she’s moving to Germany. This post isn’t going to be about me crying about my friend, it’s going to be a little tribute to our relationship. Let’s get started…

I can’t really remember how or when Lucie and I met, it was sort of all of the sudden, we were friends. Lucie used to ski race on the same team as my brother, so I’d see her at races sometimes. But when we really became friends was when we were in the same dance class in sixth grade. Even though that was only almost four years ago, it seems like an eternity. Lucie is one of those people that once you meet them, you feel like you’ve known them forever. Lucie and I bonded immediately after that. However, after that year, we weren’t in the same dance class. She quit skiing and really focused on dance. Now we are in the same class for jazz and tap.

Like most of the girls that I dance with, Lucie is more of a sister than a friend. Unlike everyone else, Our relationship has stayed pretty consistent. We never really fight, but when do, “Lucie Logic” is almost never right, she agrees. Lucie is one of the most open people ever. She says it’s partially because she’s European, partially because she’s a dancer, but mostly because that’s who Lucie is. I don’t have another friend who will loudly comment how great my butt looks  in a quiet room.

Lucie is also one of the kindest, most truthful, and least self-centered people that I have ever met. Whenever I feel like crying, she is my shoulder (so poetic). I can talk to her about anything and she will give her loud, and honest, opinion. Lucie is one of those people who will ALWAYS put her friends before herself. I can’t count the number of times Lucie has asked if she needs to beat someone up for me.

I don’t really know what the future holds, but we do have some fun stuff coming up. In April, Lucie and I are going to dance at Disneyland, then going to Santa Monica together. Then, after she moves to Germany, I’m taking a detour from my trip to Norway to visit her for a week. I’m just excited to eat all of the food she cooks.

I love this girl so much. She is truly one of the greatest people that I’ve ever met. No one will ever comprehend how much I will miss her. I honestly don’t know what I’ll do without you, Lu. Germany is so lucky to have such an outstanding dancer/cook/professional Netflix binge-watcher. I know that you will have an amazing adventure in Europe that will take you all over the world. I just hope that somehow, your journey will find it’s way back to this small town in Utah. 


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