About Me


My name is Rachael and welcome to my blog. I'm just a typical teenage girl at a semi-pretentious high school. My life is overflowing dance, food, the misuse of big words, and sleeping (sorry not sorry). However, my life fully revolves around music. I grew up listening to a variety of bands and genres, from Oasis to T-Swizzle (old and new), alternative rock to classical. My go-to song as a toddler was “Yellow Submarine” by the Beatles. Both my dad and my brother play the guitar, while my mom plays the piano. I’ve played a slew of instruments, from the piano to the cello, but the only instrument that I’ve really stuck with was the ukulele. The funny thing is that the ukulele is the only instrument that I’ve never had lessons for (I’m pretty sure I just hate people telling me what to do). It is pretty obvious that music is essential to dance, so there's that too.

I moved from the mid-west when I was a baby, so I am fully a western gal. The weird thing is that even though I live in ski-town, I HATE skiing. Don't get me wrong, I love the outdoors and doing things outside, I just strongly dislike skiing.
Getting back to things take up my life and all of my energy, right now is a pretty good time to mention that I live in a zoo. Well, not exactly a zoo with lions, tigers and bears, but I do have a dog and a cat that look like a black lion and a tiger (in that order), a dog named Bear, and a black lab that looks like a seal. They are all over the age of eight, and a quarter of them is morbidly obese (the cat). The cat, Sassy, just lays around all day and wines for food. Lucy, the seal-dog, makes weird noises and also begs for food. Bear has really bad allergies, meaning that she chews on her paws 24/7. Murdock, the lion dog, is so old that she is blind and deaf, so she’s just kind of there. Other than that, my pets are pretty boring.

Another thing that takes up my life is dance. I’ve been dancing for twelve years and starting my sixth year competing. I’m the type of person who if you take away my activity, I’d probably shrivel up a die… I’m not kidding. I dance for an average of 12 hours per week. Thanks to dance, I’m constantly tired and cracking every joint in my body feels good.
My first dance recital. I'm on the far right.

One more very important thing that you need to know about me is that I’m Jewish, and proud. 
Judaism is a key part of my life and heritage. I have nothing witty to say about this because it’s the truth. I try to go to the synagogue as often as possible but my dance schedule gets in the way. I go to a Jewish camp every summer with some of the greatest people ever, but they live over four hundred miles away. :(

Thanks for reading my quick overview of myself and my life, minus details that you shouldn’t put online. I hope that you enjoy my cliché, unprofessional, and a tad bit obnoxious blog.

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