Thursday, September 24, 2015

Simple Things

It’s funny how the smallest things can make your day so much happier. A while back, I was at school with my friend, Mikelle. We were talking about how miserable our days had been, until I brought up the fact that we didn’t have to change for dance, next period. Mikelle’s whole face lit up and I realized that the only way to make a person’s day better is to remind them of a good thing that will happen. This made me think of a list of little things that make me happier.

  • No-dress days for dance
  • Remembering that I have dance
  • Forgetting that it’s early-out day
  • Realizing that I have lunch next period
  • Remembering that it’s Friday
  • Popcorn

The sad thing is that small things pass so quickly that we forget to take in that moment. Throughout the entire summer, I slept in on Sundays, like every other day. I hadn’t thought anything of it, until I had to wake up early for religious school. At that moment, I realized that I had wasted my summer Sundays, by not cherishing my ability of sleeping in. 

Another thing that we all take for granted is our friends and family, including pets. If you’ve read my “About Me” page you’d know that I have four pets. My oldest dog is Murdock. She is a mix between a golden retriever and a tricolored collie. We got Murdock thirteen years ago, from our neighbors. Man, has thirteen years gone by fast. Now, Murdock is deaf and blind. We can’t take her on the same hikes that we take our younger dogs on. But even in her old age, Murdock still loves to play, and we cherish every day that we can play with her. 

On a happier note, tomorrow’s Friday! And, it’s an important day for the sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It’s the beginning of homecoming weekend. While the rest of the town will watch the football team fail miserably, y’all will be counting down the hours until Saturday night. A stupid thing about this, freshmen can’t go to homecoming. I know that we’re “technically” still at the junior high school, but according to transcripts, we are in high school. So, if homecoming is for high school students only, freshmen should be allowed to go. But I guess it’s just another simple thing to look forward to.

We both made it through my first post! Yay! This is going to be a long a strange journey, but we’ll make it. I’ll post at least once a week with a new topic every blog. Who knows what I’ll write about next. Muwa-ha-ha! I’ve decided to end all of my posts a challenge for you for the week. The challenges will have to do with that week’s post. Today’s challenge is to make a list of things that make you happy. One of my best friends did this last year, and I think she got to one hundred. I will also end every post with a quote, so in the words of the late-great Bob Marley, “My future is righteousness.”


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