Friday, October 2, 2015

Why Y'all So Sad

Have you ever just caught yourself complaining, even though you aren’t in a bad mood? Yeah, me too. Way too often, actually. You most likely don’t notice it, but everyone complains about something everyday. It’s almost like a default for us. When conversations get awkward, we like to complain about the most basic things, because the person we are talking to finds it “relatable”. The funny thing is that we complain about things that won't effect our lives in the long-run. It’s always, “Ugh, I have such a bad headache.” or “I’m WAY too tired.” or even “I have so much homework, it’s not even funny.” These “problems” are so little that the person that you’re talking to will just think that you’re whiny and a burden to be around. (By the way, I complain about all of these things, too, so…)
Picture courtesy of thechocolateboxwriters

Another problem that I have with people who complain is exaggeration, I’m guilty for this, too. Just the other day, I noticed that I didn’t have my phone before fourth period. I didn’t overreact, but when I explained it to some of my friends, it sure sounded like I did. I had told them that I was freaking out and that I had no clue what I was going to do, but my calm demeanor proved that I was not at all “freaking out”. Looking back on it now, I realized that I don’t know why I exaggerate my stories, but I need to stop, because no one is going to pity me.

Being my hypocritical self, I will now say that all of the complaining is SO annoying! When people complain, it puts the people around them in a crappy mood, and when those people are in a crappy mood, more people’s moods get crapped on and the circle goes on and on and on. The moral of the story is everyone (myself included) needs to stop complaining! We’re all being the definition of “first world problems,” it’s embarrassing. Our town already has the stereotype of having all of the snobby rich kids, and when we complain like that, it’s adding fuel to the fire.

Anyways, my challenge for the week is for you to try and go a day without complaining. I mean, it’s not a challenge unless it’s actually challenging. Like I said in my post last week, there are so many little things that can make you happy. Try and focus on the happy things in your life. Who knows, maybe without your yapping about how miserable your life is, you might make someone else’s day better. That’s all I have to say, today! I know that I’ve been pretty negative today so, I’m really sorry. Next week, I promise that my post will be happier. But before I forget, my quote of the day comes from a great man by the name of Dr. Seuss. He said, “Today you are you! That is truer than true, there is no one alive that is you-er than you.” Until next time…


1 comment:

  1. Rachel!
    This is so sweet and kind! You don't need to apologize that much, it's what we need to hear. Keep it up! :)
    - Ali
