Thursday, April 21, 2016

Spring Break! (Part One)

I know that it's been a couple weeks since Spring Break, but I still want to write about my first visit to the Happiest Place on Earth. As I mentioned in an earlier post, my studio got to participate in a parade in Disneyland. I have to say that this was one of the best experiences of my life. I accomplished so many once-in-a-lifetime things that weekend, not to mention get over my fear of rollercoasters. But for you, my readers, to get the full effect of my time in the happiest place on earth, I have to start from the very beginning…

My studio started rehearsals for the Dance the Magic parade in January. It was optional, yet sixty-one girls from my studio went, including my entire dance group. Rehearsals were fast and furious. we learned half the parade in an hour, then learned each section of our production piece the next hour. For all of you at home that don’t know what a production piece is, it is a dance with a wide range of levels that all get stage time. This piece was choreographed for the entire one hundred-six person academy, so it took quite a long time to adjust. We had to learn the rest of the parade dance at home and have it ready to clean by the next rehearsal.
Lucie, Mikelle, and I at the back of the plane

Before I knew what had happened, it was time to leave for Disneyland. I was hyped because I’ve never been to Disneyland before that day. I know it seems like neglectful parenting to not allow your children to go to Disneyland until they’re fifteen and seventeen, but my dad has a major fear of rollercoasters, so it’s okay. I flew to Anaheim with Lucie and the Volmrichs because my mother and father couldn’t take off work. It was really fun, but Lu and I were in the very last row of the plane, but we got to sit with Mikelle. The Volmrichs are super fancy, so we were picked up from the airport by a limo.

When we got to Disneyland, we went straight to the hotel to change. We had a dance workshop that night, so we had to be ready. The Volmrichs (Taylor and Savannah), Lucie, and I went to California Adventure because that was were the meet place was for the workshop. We had several hours to spare, so we went to go ride some rides. Luckily, Lucie got the app that lists the wait times for all of the rides in both parks. 

The first ride that we went on was the Tower of Terror. I forgot to mention that even though I consider myself an “adrenaline junky”, I don’t do well with rollercoasters. But I forced myself to go on it. Savannah and I were freaked out, and you can tell from our picture that we’d rather be anywhere than on that ride. But the Tower of Terror was so much fun and it was a great start to the trip.
Bottom left row: Savannah, me, Lucie, and Taylor on the Tower of Terror

The second ride of the day was the Grizzly Peak raft ride. This one had a really long wait time, but it ended up being fine. It was fine until we got off the ride, soaked, with about an hour until we had to meet for the workshop. We went to the Pier, but California Screamin’ had too long of a wait time. We walked around the Pier a little bit, finding rides with the shortest wait times, until it was time to go to the workshop.

The workshop was amazing! We got to see a ton of back stage Disneyland along with learn from two incredible performers. Afterwards, Taylor and Savannah’s mom tried to force me to go on California Screamin’ but I was exhausted and I just wanted to eat food, so I chickened out and waited for them at the end. All in all, it was a pretty great first day, but the rest of my trip was even more unforgettable.

To Be Continued…

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