Sunday, January 31, 2016

To The Leader of Awkward People

Dear Grace Helbig,

Hey, girl! First things first, you are so amazing, talented, and one of my heroes. It really peeves me when people say that YouTubers are talentless. Obviously, those people haven’t met you. You are one of the most  successful YouTubers and you are an icon to all of the awkward yet kind of confident girls, like me. It’s crazy that ten years ago, you decided to start posting videos to YouTube, and now you have almost three million subscribers, a TV show, a podcast, a hilarious movie, two books, and another movie on the way.

Queen Helbig courtesy of
You also proved that women can be powerful, independent, and can fend for themselves in a field of hundreds of other very successful people. In 2013, you quit your network and started to make your own content again. Luckily, you had a big enough following that your new channel, ItsGrace, flourished. Around the same time, you began to film Camp Takota with the other two-thirds of the Holy Trinity, Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart.

I started watching your videos in 2011, when your channel was still DailyGrace. You content was hilarious and I was addicted almost immediately. Over the years, I started to watch other YouTubers like Jenna Marbles, Tyler Oakley, Mamrie, and Hannah, but I still watched your videos. These past several years have been very difficult for me and I know that it’s really cliché and annoying for YouTube fans to say this, but your videos truly made me smile when didn’t feel like being happy. I’ve been able to relate to your awkwardness and being able to see your successes has made me believe in myself even more.

When my English teacher asked us all who our ideal readers were, my mind went completely blank. I know that it doesn’t seem like my blog has a theme, but it does. My blog is about me and my life, so my ideal reader needs to be someone that has great impacted my life and has help shape me as a person. Many of my friends may think that that person is some famous dancer, but that person is actually you, Grace Helbig. I know that I’m not as funny as you (and I don’t have your very punctual upload schedule), but I’m trying my best. What we do have in common though is that our content is very personal. We both talk about things that mean a lot to us, and we do it to entertain others. Many people say that the internet is frying kids’ brains and turning them into terrible people, but not you. I know that it is a very small possibility that you will hear about this blog and an even smaller chance that you will read it, but this is my chance to say that you have influenced me for the better. Thank you for everything.


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