Monday, May 16, 2016

The End

Yes, I am a butterfly.
Courtesy of
I can’t believe that I was able to make it through my first year of high school. This year has been a rollercoaster, but now the ride is coming to an end. One of the biggest parts of my school years was this blog. My English teacher gave me this assignment at the very beginning of the year, and at first, I had no clue what to write about, I still don’t really know what I write about. Looking back at all of my posts, I’ve noticed a constant theme. I wrote about things that are meaningful to me. Most of my posts are about my friends, family, and, of course, dance. So when I say my blog is about my life, it really is. My life basically consists of those three things.

Our final blog assignment is to kind of review our year and our blogs. Going back and reading my first post, I noticed that my writing was kind of awkward and all over the place. I was a pretty awkward kid at the beginning of the year, but now, I’ve met new people, made new friends, and even lost some. If you haven’t read my blog before, you have a LOT catching up to do, but if you’ve read it, you know that one of my best friends, Lucie, is moving away, so is my other friend, Aysia. I’m not exactly losing them, but it’s pretty hard to keep in touch when you live on the other side of the world.

Over the course of the year, I was able to improve my writing and, as you can tell by my last post, talk about subjects that I wouldn’t normally talk about on a day to day basis. I’m now better at expressing my feelings through writing, without being an awkward little potato. This blog has been a way for me to take a break from my crazy life in order to write about it. I’m glad I chose my life to be the theme of my blog because it allows my to look back on the important moments of my year and remember the good and bad times.

Today, I’m just thinking about the future. I still want to write, just not all of the time. This blog was a lot of work and it’s definitely not what I want to do for the rest of my life. I’ve thought about going to medical school and getting my surgical residency done with, then maybe join the army, but that’s just an option. I want to be able to do something great, like that, in my lifetime. I want to help a bunch of people and leave my mark on the world.

This is my last blog post. My school year ends in a little less than three weeks and this blog will be ending with it. I’m glad I was able to do something new like this that I can add to my list of experiences. “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost
Until next time…


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